These curvy corners and ambiguous edges are designed to print in “spiralized” or “vase” mode! Download it, print it, fill it with something you love, and give it to whoever you love.

See here for video:

Download more sizes:

Over the next six days I will be donating 100% of any earnings from this design to The Trevor Project, and Thangs will match the donation 100%! Support The Trevor Project with every download from Thangs only.

The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.

Be sure to print in “spiralized” or “vase” mode! The fit of the lids is optimized for a 0.5mm nozzle. Printing with a smaller nozzle may result in a loose fitting lid, printing with a larger nozzle may result in a tight fitting lid. To compensate, you can very slightly scale the lid smaller or larger in your slicer as needed.

Print the boxes and lids as oriented. The lids fit in one orientation only, so you may have to try a few times!