1. 18 models in one pack!

2. The cell map of the bases is cylindrical.

3. The lattice types include Simple Cubic, Body Centered Cubic, Face Centered Cubic, Diamond, Fluorite, Octet, Truncated Cube, Truncated Octahedron, Kelvin Cell, IsoTruss, Re-entrant, Triangular Honeycomb, Hexagonal Honeycomb, Re-entrant Honeycomb, Square Honeycomb, TPMS-Gyroid, TPMS-Schwarz, and TPMS-Diamond.

4. The size of each base is 90 mm in diameter and 6.5 mm in height.

5. These are supportless designs. Nevertheless, 5-degree tilting  with suitable supports could be printing friendly.


1. 18個模型整包帶走!

2. 晶格之排列模式為圓柱排列(半徑、角度、高度)。

3. 晶格的類型包含Simple Cubic, Body Centered Cubic, Face Centered Cubic, Diamond, Fluorite, Octet, Truncated Cube, Truncated Octahedron, Kelvin Cell, IsoTruss, Re-entrant, Triangular Honeycomb, Hexagonal Honeycomb, Re-entrant Honeycomb, Square Honeycomb, TPMS-Gyroid, TPMS-Schwarz, TPMS-Diamond。

4. 每個底座的尺寸為直徑90 mm,厚度6.5 mm。

5. 此為無支撐設計。然而,傾斜五度並加上適量的支撐會使列印更加輕鬆。