A minimal surface is a surface that is locally area-minimizing, that is, a small piece has the smallest possible area for a surface spanning the boundary of that piece. Soap films are minimal surfaces.

These eggs are sliced from various matrices of minimal surfaces. Here is a good starting point for learning about some of the surfaces selected: http://facstaff.susqu.edu/brakke/evolver/examples/periodic/periodic.html

Please message me if you have any suggestions or requests for minimal surfaces to “egg.”

All eggs are also available on Shapeways: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/davemakesstuff

The eggs are also featured in the video by Action Lab about minimal surfaces and black holes: https://youtu.be/_t-3lCZXlPM

The descriptions below offer specific suggestions for printing. One general word of caution is when using “tree” supports, be sure to add “support blocks” to prevent the tree structures from extending up into the interior of the egg. They’ll be impossible to remove.

Expect to do a bit of post-print cleaning with each piece.