This kinetic sculpture is an advanced print. You’ll need good knowledge of optimal print settings for your machine and a willingness to do some post-print processing.

If you get it right, the spinning hoops whiz around the bobbing balls with clearances of only a fraction of a millimeter. If you get it wrong, you’re hooped.

See the machine in motion here:
See here for assembly video:
The design was featured by magician "Palomares Magic":


Print six each of “Followers (80mm),” “Hemisphere with Hole” and “Hemisphere No Hole.”

Print one of each of the remaining files. Carefully remove any burrs or imperfections in the print especially on surfaces that move against one another.

The critical bit of cleanup here is that the “followers” slide perfectly through the guides in the “lid.” If there is either too much friction or too much slack the machine will jam.

Lubricate any moving surfaces with Vaseline prior to assembly.