This basic set of 72 Carcassonne tiles is optimized for CNC milling. Files are named according to the labeling system in the picture above ( from: The model pictured is milled with Eastern Maple with a simple shellac finish.

Edges are 2" (50.8mm) which is slightly larger than the standard 45mm cardboard tiles. Roads are 1/4" to allow slot and and contour toolpaths using a 1/4" flat end mill. All objects (houses, walls, shields, etc.) are spaced at least 1/8" apart to allow for adaptive clearing in these areas using an 1/8" flat end mill. All edge bevels (houses, walls, turrets, shields, etc) are 45 degrees to allow for easy edge selection for parallel passes. A 1/8" tapered bit works well for finishing the edges and using "spiral morph" toolpaths for the terrain.

The components of each piece are separate shells within each file, so if you would like to remove the terrain or any of the other features you can do so easily in a program such as Meshmixer.

Edges could be left as is, but adding magnets to the edges adds a level of convenience and style. The "Hole Jig Carcassonne" accepts drill guide bushings such as this: Use a 1/8 bit to drill out holes for 3mm cylinder magnets. The pieces pictured contain 3mm x 1.5mm cylinder magnets. Be sure to alternate polarity of magnets on each face, and use the same pattern on every face of every tile to ensure that they all fit together.

Pictures also show a storage box that allows for easier randomization of tiles for play.