It's part of the April 2021 release from my Patreon, where you can embark on an unforgettable journey in search of your new scenery items!



  • Shop Signs
  • Counter
  • Shelves (small, tall, wide & cupboard ones)
  • Armor rack
  • Weapon rack
  • Bow rack
  • Big and Small Table racks (+ a mini table to place on top of the big one)
  • Storage chest


All models made of plain wood with no metal decorations. For decorated ones, please check the Shop Furniture - Decorated!


Check out the rest of the models from my Hero Shop collection! And subscribe to my Patreon/Tribe if you want to receive such models monthly! There is also a special tier in both that lets you request a variation of my models, so you can personalize them to your heart's content 💜